Friday, January 21, 2011

The Blessing of Friendsip

Im blessed. Yes, amazingly blessed. You know why, because i have you! You, my dear irreplaceable friends! Friends are people you dont deserve... They love you when you are happy and shinig out life and they hold you up when you are down. I know.
I once had two amazing woman-worriers banging on my door, cause i had locked it - i was a bit mad at God and was crying like a nut. And they had chocolate, warm hugs and words with them. Ofcourse its not about chocolate, but the love it has with it - the friend. And so my crying marathon ended up with hugs and a little bit of laughter.
And by that i felt Gods Love.
Many times i have had friends helping me with the things im the weekest and by their wisdom i can learn new things. Like planning, and how to use your money wisely and how to do things you need to do but you absolutely dont want to.
One friend basically had to drag/carry me with my fear-soaked noodle-legs to school so i could finally find the courage that i did not have in me.
I apreciate all these long long talks, i have learned soo much just by being with you :).
So many times i have seen the true unendig Love of God by friends He has surrounded me with.
I dont know where i would be right now, if i did not have these not perfect but yet so perfect people around me...
But i certainly now one thing - i would not be here and i would not be the woman i am today.
And i really hope that He can use me the same way for your good, just by me being me.

I am thankful. Thank you...

And if you have no friends, be a friend to someone who needs a friend ;)

"Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil.
For if they fall, one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up! And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him - a threefold cord is not quickly broken."
Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Before you call me an heretic, LET ME EXPLAIN :)

Once i realized that, it made me totally free...
I prayed and pressed in to Gods presence, thats what we are many times told to do. So i thought that if i worship Him long enough, pray long enough, spend countless of hours meditating on His Word, He will finally come and fill me, meet me, reveal Himself to me. I thought that if ill search Him long enough ill find Him! But i had no real glue what searching Him ment...
And i tried, cause i was so hungry!
But almost nothing happened...
Im sorry to say but, yes i gave up pressing.

And then He gave me a truth that changed my life: HIS BLOOD.
Its not about what i do, its who i am! I am righteous by what Jesus did on the cross and nothing can ever change that. Doing all these things is good! But if we do it to get to God by what WE DO, its not enough. My own righteousness is like filthy rags. (Isaiah 64:6)
Its when i come to Him trough the blood of His Son Jesus, i can enter to His throneroom with boldness. Jesus was the acceptable sacrifice for my sins.
And im free.

So thats why i said that you dont HAVE TO read the Bible, but its when you understand that its the gift of God to you, Gods Word, your Life Guide, then you WANT TO read it. :)

"Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession.
For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin.
Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need." Hebrews 4:14-16

What can truly satisfy you?

God really got me, the other day :) and its so amazing - with just one sentence from Him he can turn a life around, or at least more to the right direction.

So here's what i (re)discovered:

Do you ever feel like you have to get noticed in order to feel happy about yourself? Do you ever get jealous of others when you see that they have and recieve the very things that YOU so desperately need? Your friends have the best girlfriends/boyfriends, houses, cars, pianos, salary, but you - not really.
Do you ever think that you should do something with your life, go to places, get the best education, meet people, look the best in order to feel satisfied and happy about yourself?
But what if you would get all those things? A super-loving spouse, a big nice house with a huge flatscreen and all the STUFF you ever (think you) want...? Im telling you - you would feel as emty and unsatisfied as you did before... (Unless you keep yourself so busy that you dont even have the time to think and look inside you.)
The movies, the food, the shiny things, the attention, whatever - many times its just the substitute for the real thing. We are so hungry and thirsty that we fill ourselves with just about anything!
But what we really need is Him, His uncontitional love, forgiveness, life and joy.
Im telling you, nothing else besides the true Love of the Father, Jesus and the Presence of the Holy Spirit can ever satisfy you! Nothing Ever.

When you realize that He is your true Love, Life, Joy and Source, you will start enjoying every day with Him so much that you cant even wait to get up and start a new day!

"Come, everyone who thirsts, come to the waters, come buy and eat!
Come buy wine and milk without price.
Why do you spend your money for that which does not satisfy?
Listen diligently to Me and eat what is good, and delight yourselves in rich food.
Incline your ear and come to Me; hear that your soul may live;"
"Seek the Lord while He may be found;
call upon Him while He is near."
Isaiah 55:1-3,6

"On the last day of the feast, the great day, Jesus stood up and cried out: "If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. Whoever believes in Me as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water." Now this He said about the Spirit, whom those who believe in Him were to receive."
John 7:37-39